Online Info Session: Study Abroad Options for Bachelor Students of the Design School and Ecosign
Find your adventure abroad and explore the world!
Nimm an unserer Online Info Session teil und erfahre, welche Auslandsmöglichkeiten du als Bachelor Student:in der Design School der AMD und der ecosign hast! Das International Office stellt dir verschiedene Partneruniversitäten vor und informiert dich über den Bewerbungsprozess, die Voraussetzungen, die Kurswahl, die Kosten und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und hat viele hilfreiche Tipps!
Wir freuen uns auf dich und deine Fragen in unserer Session!
Join our online info session and find out about your study abroad options as a Bachelor student of AMD's Design School and of the ecosign! The International Office will introduce you to various partner universities and inform you about the application process, requirements, course selection, costs and financing options, as well as providing lots of helpful tips!
We look forward to seeing you and your questions in our session!
Über folgenden Link kannst du an der Info Session teilnehmen:
Zoom Link
Meeting-ID: 676 3793 0724
Kenncode: StudyPlus
Dein Experte
International Office
Vier Gründe, die für das Angebot sprechen
You don't have to worry about the recognition of your courses completed abroad. We have already done the work and all courses have been checked in advance.
Don't lose any study time: Our tailor-made programs are designed in a way so you can achieve your academic goals within the standard period of study, even though you are gaining experience abroad.
We support you with the organization from your application to your return. The International Office will be at your side throughout your entire stay.
Easy application process: Because of our various partner universities, you will be admitted more quickly and benefit from the work we have already done for you in advance.
Kerstin Hildebrandt & Timo Förster
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