Online Info Session: Auslandsoptionen für Master Studierende

Online Info Session: Auslandsoptionen für Master Studierende

Find the perfect global adventure for yourself!

Dive into diversity with your adventure abroad!

Nimm an unserer Online Info Session teil und erfahre, welche Auslandserfahrungen du als Master Student:in machen kannst. Egal, ob du für ein Semester im Ausland studieren möchtest oder einfach nur eine kurze Auszeit nimmst, um die Welt zu erkunden – wir haben die perfekte Lösung für dich! Unsere vielfältigen Programme bieten dir die Chance, deine internationale Karriereleiter zu erklimmen und dabei unvergessliche Erfahrungen zu sammeln.

Wir stellen dir deine Möglichkeiten vor und freuen uns auf dich und deine Fragen in unserer Session!

Über folgenden Link kannst Du an der Info Session teilnehmen:
Zoom Link
Meeting-ID: 414 240 0544
Kenncode: StudyPlus

Dein Experte

Expert:innen Foto

Sarah Täumer

Sarah Täumer looks after our study abroad programmes at Shanghai University, China and Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is a qualified Chinese translator and holds a degree in East Asian Studies, making her the ideal person to contact if you are specifically interested in studying abroad in Asia. Having grown up surrounded by different cultures and languages and having lived abroad for many years, including in West Africa, the USA and China, she understands the immense enrichment as well as the initial concerns that come with studying abroad and immersing oneself in an unfamiliar culture. She is happy to support you in your individual overseas adventure and is available on campus in Munich or virtually.

Vier Gründe, die für das Angebot sprechen

You don't have to worry about the recognition of your courses completed abroad. We have already done the work and all courses have been checked in advance.

Don't lose any study time: Our tailor-made programs are designed in a way so you can achieve your academic goals within the standard period of study, even though you are gaining experience abroad.

We support you with the organization from your application to your return. The International Office will be at your side throughout your entire stay.

Easy application process: Because of our various partner universities, you will be admitted more quickly and benefit from the work we have already done for you in advance.

Kerstin Hildebrandt & Timo Förster

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