

You would like to study abroad in Europe during your full-time studies and want a flexible choice of location? With the Erasmus+ program you have the opportunity to study for several months at a university within the EU. Optionally, you can also complete an internship abroad.

Since 2014, the Erasmus program for higher education has been integrated into the so-called Erasmus+. As part of the Erasmus+ program, Hochschule Fresenius was awarded the Erasmus Charta. This entitles the university to apply for and implement Erasmus+ measures. You can also find more information in the Erasmus University Policy Statement.

You would like to study abroad? Find out about your possibilities in a personal counseling interview.


What is funded?


Yes. The ERASMUS Learning Agreement is mandatory and the course selection contained therein is binding. Please note that you have to discuss the contents of the courses with the respective subject representatives BEFORE concluding the Learning Agreement in order to ensure appropriate crediting.

Each semester, you must take courses within the scope of at least 18 ECTS. „Taking ECTS“ of course means attending courses, taking and passing the exams; in other words, „sitting out“ a course is not the same as earning ECTS!

Please note that 18 ECTS are really the absolute lower limit.

The 18 ECTS include all courses that you attend at the foreign university, regardless of whether or not you later wish to receive credit for them at Hochschule Fresenius. In addition to regular courses in your field of study, courses outside your field of study that clearly serve the purpose of personal further education, e.g. language courses, can also be counted towards this.

What we cannot accept are courses that are taken for personal recreational purposes, e.g. university sports courses.

The ECTS points of the individual courses at the foreign partner university are always decisive for the total ECTS, not the ECTS points that exist for similar courses at Hochschule Fresenius.

Yes. You are required to take all final exams, tests, term papers, etc. And, of course, you should also make every effort to pass all courses as well as possible. One failed exam will not yet automatically result in the recovery of your scholarship, but should you fail several exams, this may result in the reduction of your scholarship. So please prepare diligently for the exams and inform us immediately if you fail more than one exam.

However, in the extreme case that you do not pass any exam abroad, we would have to reclaim the scholarship completely.

No. You can take credits from abroad at home, but you do not have to do so. However, all courses you take at the host university must be related to your studies at Hochschule Fresenius (language courses can be taken additionally).

How does the application process work?

Please inform your contact person for international affairs if you are interested in an Erasmus+ stay. She will select who will receive a scholarship on the basis of the eligibility criteria and will report the names of the students who will receive a scholarship to the International Office. There you can get information about the further procedure (application, formalities, insurance abroad etc.) and receive all necessary documents.

Eligibility criteria

It is our concern to make a stay abroad possible for as many students as possible. However, if there are a large number of applicants, it may happen that there are not enough scholarships available. In such a case, your contact person for international affairs will make a selection.

Criteria are (in all faculties)

  • Grade point average at the time of application
  • Evaluation of your motivation letter.

In addition, the following criteria may also be used for evaluation in cases of equal suitability:

  • Proven language skills
  • Social commitment

Would you like advice on ERASMUS+ mobility measures?

Our ERASMUS+ coordinator Claudia Roth will be happy to advise you:
Phone: +49 (0)611 711 856 26
Email: claudia.roth@hs-fresenius.de

For more information about the ERASMUS+ program, please follow this link: https://eu.daad.de/infos-fuer-einzelpersonen/de/   

Note: On the information page of the EU-Group in the DAAD for students you can e.g. prepare yourself culturally for your country of choice, read experience reports or research about your destination country.

Liability clause

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.